
研究森林中的外生菌根真菌Laccaria bicolor发现,这些蘑菇在降雨后会产生波动的电信号,并在附近的蘑菇之间传输信号。这一发现不同于以往的实验室研究,暗示着真菌之间和潜在地与树木进行电信号通讯的可能性,为研究真菌在其自然栖息地中的电学潜力开辟了新的研究途径。

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现在,一组研究人员最近前往森林地面,调查了被称为Laccaria bicolor的小型棕色外生菌根真菌。他们在一个集群中为六个蘑菇连接电极,发现电信号在降雨后增加了。

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“起初,这些蘑菇的电位更低,我们把它归结为缺乏降水,”来自东北大学的福川由表示。他与来自国立技术学院长冈学院的竹井贵之和赤井大助以及来自京都大学Hakubi Center的Masayuki Ushio合作领导了这个项目。“然而,降雨后电位开始波动,有时超过100mV。”


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参考文献:“雨后事件后的外生菌根真菌Laccaria bicolor中的电势”作者为福川由,赤井大助,Masayuki Ushio和竹井贵之。2023年3月13日,《真菌生态学》。


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Detailed analysis of the Study Tools market’s size, dynamics, and anticipated development from 2023 to 2030 with a projected CAGR of 13.6%

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This report offers a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape and major rivals in the Cloud Compliance Software market, with a 6.5% CAGR growth rate from 2023 to 2030.

Unlocking the Potential of Data Center Security Software Market Scope the market’s Growth Trends and Future Opportunities are growing at a CAGR of 9.9% and Forecasted the time period from 2023 to 2030

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The CAD Data Exchange Software market share analysis of major rivals is forecasted to show an impressive 6.9% CAGR growth rate from 2023 to 2030, as provided by this report.

作者 董阳


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