在过去的几十年里,人们获取信息的方式大大加快了速度。 互联网改变了世界,只有极少数的企业和个人能够在没有互联网的情况下运作。



一、新鲜食物: 当食物来自当地农场时,通常收获的时间更接近消费点,这意味着它更新鲜,保质期也更长。

2.更有营养的食物: 当食物与其他农场动植物近距离种植时,维生素A、E、K等营养素含量会更高。

3 . 支持 地方 经济 : 当我们吃当地食物时,我们帮助支持全国小城镇和农村地区的经济。

4. 环境影响较小:使用传统方法——如使用杀虫剂和除草剂——生产粮食比使用有机农业等可持续方法生产粮食对环境的影响大得多。

5 . 更大 的 味觉 满足 : 我们大多数人都熟悉”生活中最好的东西是免费的”这句话——这包括美味佳肴! 吃当地来源的食物可以让你有机会体验当地的风味,而不必花很多钱。


今天,越来越多的人开始意识到本地采购的重要性。 它不仅对环境更好,而且对经济也更好。 以下是本地采购较全球采购为佳的四个原因:

1) 对环境有好处: 当产品来自全球时,往往会造成不利的环境后果。 例如,当产品在劳动标准低或环境法不健全的国家生产时,这可能导致污染和环境损害。 另一方面,本地采购使企业能够与具有相同价值和标准的供应商建立联系,这有助于保护环境。

2) 更适合你的钱包:本地采购的产品往往比全球同类产品便宜。 这是因为进口货物(如关税)的许多相关费用是在当地采购产品时发生的。 此外,许多当地生产者采用传统方法,从而减少浪费,降低生产成本。

3) 它能让你更好地控制所购物品:当你从全球供应商那里购买物品时,你几乎无法控制这些物品是在哪里生产的,以及它们是在什么条件下生产的。 另一方面,与当地的供应商,你经常可以接近你的产品的来源(这给你一个机会仔细检查它)。 这种更高的控制水平也意味着你更有可能以公平的价格获得高质量的产品。



在当地生产粮食降低了运输成本,有助于减少能源消耗,在减少温室气体排放方面,这两项都是重要的考虑因素。 由于食物是我们最大的资源消耗者之一,选择本地食物可以帮助我们省钱和保护我们的环境。

2. 本地生产的食品通常具有更有趣的风味。

美国农业部报告说,80%的美国蔬菜种植在加利福尼亚、佛罗里达、得克萨斯和南部其他州。 这意味着,当你购买当地农产品时,你会得到水果和蔬菜,这些水果和蔬菜是在其最成熟的时候采摘的,并且经过最少的化学处理。 因此,这些食品往往具有比在遥远地区生产的食品更复杂的风味特征。

3. 你经常可以找到当地来源的食物,而这些食物在其他地方很难找到。

由于小农场主通常不会把产品推销到当地以外的地方,因此要追踪当地菜肴中使用的材料并不总是容易的。 但是,通过在社交媒体上搜索”本地农场摊点”或”本地农贸市场”,或者通过在线阅读餐馆评论,你通常可以找到附近的美味新鲜食物的来源。


虽然当地采购有许多好处,包括环保和降低运输成本,但其中最引人注目的就是它支持小企业。 据全国小工商业者协会的研究结果显示,小工商业者中近三分之二是个体户。 通过支持这些企业,我们不仅帮助创造就业机会,而且鼓励创新和创造力。
当我们购买其他国家的产品时,我们基本上是支持大企业而不是支持小企业。 这是因为跨国公司往往具有规模经济,有能力在海外生产更便宜的产品。 因此,小企业几乎没有机会与他们竞争。 另一方面,本地采购给小企业带来了更大的成功机会,因为它使它们能够获得更广泛的产品和服务。

除了支持本地企业外,购买本地产品也有环保效益。 消费者通过购买靠近消费地点的产品,通过长途卡车运输商品来减少碳足迹。 除了减少我们对环境的影响外,购买本地石油也减少了我们对外国石油的依赖。

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Porcine Vaccines MARKET RESEARCH REPORT: An acceptable set of hypotheses and procedures were used to create the projections in this Porcine Vaccines report.
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Our Rituximab market analysis is supported by inputs like its market revenue, market size, dynamics etc.
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Alcohol Breathalyzer and Drug Testing Equipment Market Size 2022 -2028 Market Challenges Analysis, Sales Volume, Share and Forecast Research.
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This Multi Domain Controller market research report may assist manufacturers, suppliers, industry associations, and organizations in aligning their market-centric strategy.
This Zonal Isolation Packers market report lists industry players and their efforts to differentiate themselves from the competition through new innovations and new products.
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This Essential Oils for Livestock research may assist manufacturers, suppliers, industry associations, and organizations in aligning their market-centric strategy.
Organic Personal Care Market Size 2022 – 2028 sale, revenue, trends, current development, Demand, and supply situation.
The Construction Equipment Rental market research report examines facts from both historical and contemporary sources to offer a precise estimate of the application production information and market size.
Steamed Buns Machine Market Size 2022 – 2028 sale , avg. selling price, Business function, mode of integration, growth opportunity, share, production cost.
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AI Governance market report provides readers with information to help them successfully navigate this competitive, ever-changing industry.
Cleanroom Technologies Market Share, Growth Trends 2022 | CAGR Value, Regional Developments, Global Opportunity, Industry Drivers, and Competitive Landscape Forecast to 2028
The Specialty PACS Market Research Report: A Breakdown Of The 2022 to 2028 Market.
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The Satellite Data Services report monitors mergers and acquisitions, product development, and competitive developments in this industry
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The Scalp Microneedling Market report study is thoroughly evaluated in this research report. In-depth qualitative analysis, data that can be verified and obtained from reliable sources and market size forecasts are all included in the research. Utilizing tested research approaches, the projections are computed.
A thorough analysis of the Optic Nerve Disorders Treatment market is included in the research. It does this using in-depth qualitative insights, historical information, and reliable market size predictions.
The Pharmacovigilance Outsourcing market research’s objectives are to describe the challenges, recognise the key obstacles, and offer recommendations for sector growth. This research provides a precise picture of the market as a tool for analysis and decision-making.
The HR Services report learns about this sector and identifies significant players, major exploration and development initiatives, and pertinent driving factors.
The Retail Execution Software report identifies the leading companies and provides analysis of key factors influencing this industry, such as current market trends, market forecast, opportunities, and economic trends that will affect the marketplace in the future.
The Conversational Customer Engagement Software Market Research Report Will Provide Insight Into The Market’s Financial Status, Market Size, And Market Revenue.
Fiber to the Home MarketSize 2022 – 2028 Market Challenges, Forecast Research, Revenue, Selling Price, Production Cost, Competitive Strategies.
The Adult Malignant Glioma Therapeutics market research study facilitates a more in-depth examination of financial measures such as liquidity, coverage, leverage, and operating ratios.
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Automotive Service Market Research Report: The Key To Successful Business Strategy
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This Manufacturing Predictive Analytics Market report provides detailed information about the Manufacturing Predictive Analytics industry from |From Year| to |TO YEAR|, including its size, products, and geographic scope.
The Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents market report begins with a comprehensive overview of the subject company’s primary industry, including historical revenue, revenue projections, and CAGR.
This Rapid Diagnostic Kits market research study looks into the company’s regional operations, product developments, market distribution methods, competitive issues, and future prospects.
Liver Cancer Therapeutics Market Research Report 2022 – 2028
Home Gym Market Size 2022 – 2028: Current development, Avg. selling price, Global Market Sales Volume and CAGR (%), Market Segment by Application, Comparison by Region.
Hoppers Market Size: By market type, quantitative analysis, segment, development, top key players, power consumption, function, deployment, development, and organization size.
This Specialty Pharmaceutical market report can help manufacturers, suppliers, associations and organizations in this industry to align their market-centric strategies.
This Ampoules and Blister Packaging report’s projections are based on a sufficient set of hypotheses and methodology.
This report on Biofungicides market research involves evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of their products and services as well as complete research on market size, market dynamics, and future growth.
The Infrared Sensors Market report provides actionable insights that aid in the formulation of strategic business decisions that benefit this industry and its participants.
Smart Ticketing Market Report: By Type, Service Provider – Size, Share Analysis and Growth Forecast to 2028
Animal Drugs market research report is the foundation of business development and an in-depth analysis of this market’s market size and revenue from |FROM YEAR| to |TO YEAR|.
Optical Coherence Tomography market report drives growth with market research efforts, and set clearly defined KPIs that align with specific goals, aims, and desired outcomes.
This Viscosupplementation market research report provides an overview of the competitive environment in the industry as well as profiles of its major players.
Colonoscopy Devices Market: Prospects, Trends Analysis, Market Size and Forecasts up to 2028
This Dental Veneers Research reports provide complete research solutions intended to give the most industry clarity for strategic decision making. They mix in-depth industry analysis with precise estimations and predictions.
Vascular Access MARKET SIZE: Its impact of covid -19, Market Status and Regional Outlook for period from 2022 – 2028.
The Pharmaceutical Drugs market research provides comprehensive and in-depth insight into the products and services provided by leading industry participants, as well as new market trends and competition dynamics in key geographies.
Medication Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2022 – 2028
This report on Medicine market research involves identifying the competitors, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses and CAGR Analysis.
The Prescription Drugs market research study is to discover market drivers and critical issues for strategic and business planning in order to generate future predictions.
This Surfing Equipment market research report discusses the major factors driving market performance and how these factors will influence the Industry’s future growth 2022 -2028.
Industrial Battery Chargers Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2022 – 2028
Healthy Snack Chips Market Size 2022-2028 Market Challenges Analysis, Sales Volume, Share and Forecast Research,
A thorough analysis of the Optical Ceramics market is included in the research. It does this using in-depth qualitative insights, historical information, and reliable market size predictions.
The Dolomite Powder market study gives users access to a comprehensive view and a company market share analysis of major industry competitors.
The Sand Control Solutions study examines a number of direct and indirect factors that could affect the supply and demand dynamics in this market
This report on Carbon Filtration Systems market presents a timeline of technical development and discusses how it affects the market.
Wood Grapples market Size: Selling Price, Production Cost, Growth Opportunity, Top Key Players |FROM _YEAR| – 2028.
The Oral Electrolyte Solutions Market research report gives the information on Industry Analysis database on this Market for period 2022 – 2028
Kava Root Extract – Key Trends and Opportunities by State and Territory to 2028
Laryngeal Cancer Therapeutics Market Size 2022 – 2028 Top Key Players, Product Type, Sale, Revenue, Development, Growth Factors and Opportunity, and Market Dynamics.
The Weight Control Products research study evaluates the current state of the Weight Control Products industry in the market. It will also discuss the industry’s size, share, competitive landscape, impact of COVID-19, and prospects.
This Intravascular Catheters market research report provides an in-depth analysis of the key factors that have a significant impact on its development.
Pediatric Catheters Market Size Current development, Avg. Selling Price, Global Market Sales Volume and CAGR (%), Market Segment by Application, Comparison by Region 2022- 2028.
Infertility Devices Market Size 2022 – 2028: Quantitative Analysis, Segment By Market Type and Market Application, Market Development, Top Key Players, Function.
Intelligent Vending Machines Market Size: Current development, Avg. selling price, Global Market Sales Volume and CAGR (%), Market Segment by Application, Comparison by Region from 2022 – 2028.
Smart Commercial Drones Market – Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2022 – 2028)
Our Market Report on Electronic Design Automation Tools comes with a thorough analysis of Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity of the market
A thorough analysis of the Patient Safety and Risk Management Software market is included in the research. It does this using in-depth qualitative insights, historical information, and reliable market size predictions.
The Threat Intelligence Security Industry report Identifies growth segments for investment, Equity, Financial Derivatives, Commodities, Currency, and Mutual Funds.
This Bare Metal Cloud market research report is a systematic collection of data regarding Bare Metal Cloud market related issues.
Amusement Park Market Size Global COVID-19 Status Overview, Global Revenue and Market Share by Player, Sales, Share, Application, till 2022 – 2028.
Strategy Consulting Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Application, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 – 2028
For more successful product development, the Online Classified Ad Platform market report can help you understand consumer behavior as well as the market, your competitors, and future industry issues.
This Boutique Hotel research assesses the market’s size, trends in growth, and market share breakdowns by technology type, application, end-user industry, and geographic region.
Online Takeaway Food Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2022 – 2028
This report on Sales Acceleration Technology market research involves identifying the competitors, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses and CAGR Analysis
Understanding the Mobile Payment market competitive landscape, key market players, and their tactics is beneficial.
The Mobile Payment Security Software market study emphasizes key profitable areas in the industry and includes an in-depth analysis of global, regional, and country sales and growth.
Mobile Pet Care Market Size forecast till 2028: Growth Factor, Global Revenue, Competitive Strategies, and Production Cost.

作者 Zeng Zhuojun


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