近年來,製造業發生了巨大的轉變。 在2000年代初,製造業的工作主要集中在完成訂單和組裝產品;然而,近年來,製造業主要轉向根據客戶需求生產商品。


製造是利用機器和工具製造產品的過程。 它是最古老的職業之一,至今仍在許多行業使用。 製造業的工作通常被認爲是高薪、穩定和安全的工作,但情況並不總是如此。 製造可能是困難、骯髒和危險的工作。

對製造業工作的最大誤解是,他們自動地高薪。 事實上,根據勞工統計局(BLS)的數據,製造業工人的工資在過去幾十年中有所下降。 這使得製造業成爲潛在僱員不太理想的選擇。

對製造業崗位的另一個誤解是,它們既穩定又安全。 事實上,製造業工人的工資在整個歷史中波動很大,任何特定工作都不能保證安全。 許多工廠關閉或頻繁搬遷地點,這可能導致僱員失業。

儘管有這些挑戰,但在製造業工作還是有很多好處的。 製造商往往依賴大量熟練工人,這意味着晉升的機會很多。 很多製造企業也提供健康保險和40萬1000套餐等優惠。

製造業就業短缺 嗎 ?

沒有證據支持製造業就業不足的說法。 製造業幾十年來一直是就業的主要來源,預計2016年製造業將增加23萬個工作崗位。 真正令人關切的是工人與現有工作之間的技能不匹配,這可能導致某些領域工人短缺加劇。


製造業在美國是一個龐大而重要的產業。 它創造就業機會,爲我們的經濟做出貢獻,並幫助我們保持高質量的產品。

製造業中一些最常見的職業是生產工人、機器操作員、材料處理員、裝配工和檢驗員。 生產工人用手工或機器製造東西。 機器操作員操作機器來生產產品。 物料搬運工在工廠裏搬運物料。 裝配工把零件組裝起來製造產品。 檢查員檢查產品的質量和準確性。

每天,從事製造業的人都會幫助我們的經濟平穩運行。 如果你對從事製造業感興趣,你可以有很多選擇。 最好的方法就是探索你的選擇,和業內人士交談。

製造業職位: 福利及薪酬

製造業的工作提供了巨大的福利,包括醫療保險和養老金。 此外,許多製造業崗位的工資遠遠高於平均工資。 最好的一點是,許多製造業崗位都處於需求旺盛的行業,這意味着總會有改進的餘地。


健康保險: 許多製造業崗位都提供醫療保險,如果你希望獲得全面的醫療保險,這將會是一個很大的好處。 此外,許多製造商提供多種保健福利,如牙科和視力護理。

養卹金: 許多製造業工作都提供退休金計劃,如果你打算很快退休的話,這將是一個很有價值的好處。 這些計劃通常會在退休後提供體面的月薪。

工資:大多數製造業崗位的工資高於平均工資。 事實上,一些製造業最高薪職位的每小時薪資通常超過100美元! 這意味着,在一個好的位置上,你很容易年收入超過5萬美元。




人們普遍認爲,製造業在美國已經消失了。 然而,根據勞工統計局(BLS)的數據,2015年,製造業佔美國就業總人數的17.2%。 儘管該行業最近出現了一些裁員,但它仍然比其他任何行業僱用更多的美國人。

製造業是一種多才多藝、適應性強的工作形式,可以在不同地點完成。 雖然受到全球經濟蕭條的影響尤爲嚴重,但得益於中國等國家的強勁經濟增長,該行業開始反彈。 同樣需要注意的是,並非所有制造業崗位都是平等的。 《勞工法》將製造業分爲三大類:基礎金屬工業、服裝和配件以及非金屬礦物產品。

在工資方面,2016年基礎金屬產業生產職員的平均工資爲每小時37美元,服裝、飾品從業人員的平均工資爲每小時28美元,非金屬礦物製品從業人員的平均工資爲每小時30美元。 此外,能夠跟上技術進步的工人也享有更高的工資——詳見下文關於學徒制的信息。

儘管製造商最近面臨着各種挑戰,但對於那些想要這些挑戰的人來說,機會還是很多的。 學徒計劃爲那些初涉製造業或經驗較少的人提供了一個很好的途徑,使他們不必預先支付學費。 還有許多培訓項目可以幫助員工學習新技能。 最後,製造商總是尋找有才華和有上進心的員工,他們希望成爲這個不斷增長的行業的一部分。

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Beauty and Personal Care Packaging Market Size 2022 – 2028: Applications, Market Share, Development, Production Cost, Top Key Players, Market Segment, Growth Factor.
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A Comprehensive Market Research Report On the Spectroscopy Software Industry.
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The market study titled Material Handling Robots Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2022 – 2028.
Espresso Coffee Market Size: Market Revenue, Selling Price, Production Cost, Competitive Strategies, Sale Volume, Revenue Region forecast from 2022 – 2028.
Washing Machines Market Size: current development, sale, revenue, application forecast, research on report mines, production cost, revenue region, the impact of covid – 19 2022 – 2028.
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Ion Beam Technology Market Size: segment, development, top key players, power consumption, function, deployment, avg. selling price 2022 – 2028.
Ice Wine Market Size |FROM _YEAR| – 2028: Top key players, production cost, segment forecast, current development.
The Switch Mode Power Supply Transformers Industry report in-depth examines the most significant recent developments made by the top vendors and innovation profiles in the global market
This Disposable Tableware report reveals which shifts are likely to persist and how the past year’s events have altered consumer, industry, and retailer perceptions of this industry. Furthermore, it provides a thorough overview of this industry’s current market position and identifies emerging opportunities in this evolving market.
This Educational Furniture market study allows the research study to act as a central source of analysis and data for all market-related topics, such as regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
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This Smart Factory market report states an analysis of the key players operating and their tactics in this area of the report.
Dairy Starter Culture | Market Size from year 2022 – 2028: Its market challenges analysis, forecast Research, share, volume, and growth analysis.
Foam Glass Market Size 2022 – 2028 Forecast Growth Research, Key players, Growth Factors, and the impact of covid 19.
Zeolite Market – Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2022 – 2028)
The Lyocell Fiber market research report’s industry experts have examined the profitability and growth possibilities.
Using this Household Food Storage Containers Market Research Report, its key players, stakeholders, and other participants will be able to keep up with current and upcoming business developments.
Ketchup Market Size Technology Functions, Growth, Share, Trends, Production Cost, Impact of Covid 19, Top Key Players, Segment, Deployment, Revenue, 2022 – 2028.
The Digital Multimeter report learns about this sector and identifies significant players, major exploration and development initiatives, and pertinent driving factors.
The Quartz Crystal Oscillators Market Size from 2022 – 2028: Current Market Development, Global Revenue, Competitive Strategies and Impact of Covid -19.
The Locomotive Market Size |FROM _YEAR| – 2028: Growth factor and opportunity, and Demand supply situation.
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This Endometrial Cancer Treatment research report offers a thorough analysis of the market, taking into account the parent industry, significant market dynamics and trends, market future, and projected market size based on value and volume of Market shares and key players’ strategies.
Immunotherapy market report drives growth with market research efforts, and set clearly defined KPIs that align with specific goals, aims, and desired outcomes.
This Thyroid Cancer Treatment market research report is a source of in-depth business data and information. The report provides a 360-degree perspective of the organization by addressing its structure, operations, SWOT analysis, product and service offerings, and corporate actions.
The Radiation Therapy market research study discusses segmented based on end-use, components, industry verticals, and geography.
The Patient Monitoring Devices market report offers a market analysis of the industry’s key growth drivers, most recent market trends, and regulatory environment
The Myocardial Infarction Treatment research report offers a thorough analysis of the factors influencing the market’s overall trajectory.
Leukemia Therapeutics market research report and industry analysis.
This report on Specialty Coatings research analysts highlights the existing knowledge on this market size
Report on Polyacrylate market tells us TODAY how this market will develop in the next 10 years
The primary goal of the LTE Infrastructure market study is to provide insight into the market’s financial situation, market size, and market revenue.|FROM YEAR| to |TO YEAR|
The Cardiovascular Medical Devices Market Size |FROM _YEAR| – 2028: Growth factor and opportunity, and Demand supply situation.
Grid Scale Battery Storage Market Size: Development, selling price, production cost, growth opportunity, top key players, research report mines 2022-2028.
Brahmi Market Revenue and Forecast (2022 – 2028) – Country Level Assessment (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia).
A thorough analysis of the Computed Tomography Scanners Devices and Equipment market is included in the research. It achieves so by using in-depth qualitative insights, historical information, and reliable market size predictions.
The Nonfat Milk Powder company report includes important details about the major players and overall market overview in this market
The Natural Deodorants and Perfumes Market report provides actionable insights that aid in the formulation of strategic business decisions that benefit this industry and its participants.
This Portable Coffee Makers analysis report includes information on market size, share, sales, industry overview, growth, demand, and forecast research.
The Portable Air Cooler Market research report contains data from this Market’s Industry Analysis database |FROM _YEAR| – 2028.
This Antiperspirants and Deodorants Market size in the past, present, and future from both a value and volume perspective.
This market research report on the Carry Deck Crane industry shows how technological developments are transforming this business 2022 – 2028.

作者 Zeng Zhuojun


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